About 5 pm near the sunset, I met Marcus. He captured my attention as he was sitting alone in the middle of the grass at the park. Instead of sitting on one of the chairs at the park, he brought one of his own so he can sit in the middle of the grass and embrace the sunshine and the peaceful moment. He seems to enjoy himself, wearing a pair of glasses and a very thick jacket just enough to feel the sun and shield the cold.
If you know my working process, I enjoy having conversations with people asking about their dreams and make my art. Marcus shared with me his dream is to have supervision to foresee the future. It turned out that he is working for the property investment. I said: “I see, so you can predict to earn more money.” He laughed and said: “Yes”.
I replied: “I know that, I can read your mind.”
He laughed again.
I then exchanged my dream with him. I said I hope to possess a superpower to make animation in a second. I don’t want to wait till I’m too old to see my story came to animation. He heard me and said: “So you want to be like Walt Disney!” He read my mind too. I have a dream to create COUNTERREALITY.
I made him this sketch afterward. He told me that I’ll be a famous artist. I smiled. People say very nice things to me lately, maybe I’m on my way.