Dragonbird — Follow Your Passion
God was all-knowing who thought of himself being good and perfect. He told humans and his own offspring that he knew the best way and the only way to be happy was to follow his will. If they didn’t, he would punish them.
Dragonbird was a bird that looked like a dragon. He was the son of God and a dragoness. Dragonbird was a bit different from God’s other children. His wings were a bit shorter, it took longer time for him to learn how to fly, and he had a rebellious side. He tried to follow his own dreams, thus drawing the God’s ire on him. God often punished him. He was not worthy of being his son and he even cut his wings shorter so that he never could fly.
But Dragonbird didn’t give up. And even with his short wings soon he learned to fly. As soon as Dragonbird could fly far enough on his own, he escaped from God. He went to the human world and saw what God’s command had done to them. Their faces were lifeless and they were just working day in day out without their own goals, only fulfilling God’s often senseless commands. They pretended to be happy — after if was God who had told them following his commands would make them happy — but they were not.
Dragonbird saw in them his own unhappiness back when he was controlled by his father. He wanted to liberate them from their God and and told them not to listen to God but to follow their own passion. But the humans didn’t believe him at first.
Dragonbird decided to pretend being God’s messenger and giving humans a first taste of freedom and liberty and their own passion. He lowered his voice and imitated his father’s speaking: “Humans! This is your God speaking. I am tired to rule the world and decided to take a vacation. From now on, you are free to choose your own path and live upon your own purpose.”
The human world first became turbulent because of Dragonbird’s message. People first hesitatingly and then more and more stopped to follow God and began to act upon their own free will. And once they got a taste of freedom and passion, they were unwilling to go back following God’s will.
God was very angry at Dragonbird and attempted to capture him back. Yet Dragonbird was small, fast, and smart. He always managed to escape from God.
Their fight continued till God found that a lot of people became happier when they went to follow their own passion. God had always wanted humans to be happy and when he saw people became happier because of Dragonbird, God forgave him. In fact, God was very proud of him!
Dragonbird brings freewill to people. Wherever it goes, people feel encouraged and passionate.
Dragonbird is a mascot at CounterReality. His story will continue. Sign up on CounterReality mailing list to receive the newest update!
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