Artist collaboration: CounterReality X 非有

Lihui Liang
2 min readDec 27, 2018


非有(Fiyo) is a Chinese artist recently graduated from Tsinghua University. When I asked him: “Who are you?” He said:” I am who.”He then explained to me that he is nothing but everything. It reflects through his artist name. “非”is the Chinese character for “to not be”, and“有” is the Chinese character for “to be”. It was super fun to make the drawing with him. Both of us draw on the fly. I’m eager with storytelling. He owns profound skills of drawing patterns and shapes.

CounterReality X Nothing is Everything: The Red Guys
CounterReality X Nothing is Everything: Warming Up
My Drawing for Fiyo. His very cool and exquisite. I made him a deer to represent his character. Love letters in the river shows his ability to attract female admirers.
Fiyo‘s drawing for me. I was wearing a cactus dress and it appeared in the drawing. He also drew some buds because he said a blooming flower will wither and fall but a bud can soon transform into a beautiful flower!!!!

Artists’ website:





Lihui Liang
Lihui Liang

Written by Lihui Liang

My art, writings, and a collection of wisdom.

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